Rakino Island Ferry Service Luggage Allowance

General Luggage

Each passenger may bring the equivalent of one carry on bag and one medium size suitcase

Carry on bag: Max 7Kg
Medium sized suitcase:  Max 23Kg

Maximum Dimensions
No single dimension may exceed 1.5m

Additional luggage is carried at the discretion of the Master and will be charged for accordingly.

Additional Luggage: $10 per item
Unaccompanied Luggage will not be carried

Dangerous Goods

Dangerous Goods of a certain size, quantity, and substance may be brought aboard the ferry at no charge.

Dangerous Goods must be declared to the crew and are carried at the sole discretion of the vessel’s Master.

Please note that there is very limited space on board for dangerous goods.

Gas Bottle: Max 9kg
Fuel Jerry can: Max 20L
Batteries: Max 23kg

Other Items

Items that will not be carried:
Furniture and Whiteware
Bulk Construction Materials
Large Solar Panels
Large Batteries
Large Generators

Small plants may be carried provided that Department of Conservation biosecurity requirements are met.

As we operate a passenger service, there are limitations to the size and quantity of luggage that we can carry. If you require freight to be delivered to the island we recommend contacting one of the following:
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Dangerous Goods

To ensure the safety of passengers on our vessels, we require that all dangerous goods are declared to the skipper and carried subject to the following rules.

Empty fuel containers and gas canisters are still considered dangerous goods by law and will be handled accordingly. All dangerous goods are carried at the discretion of the Skipper.

Our vessels have limits to the number of dangerous goods that can be carried at any one time. Please contact us beforehand if you would like further information, or to advise us of your intention to bring dangerous goods on board.


Battery terminals must be covered with caps or non-conductive tape, or be stored inside an appropriately sealed water resistant packaging. Batteries must be separated from other types of dangerous goods. The battery should be light enough to be moved by one person. If you are unsure if your battery is suitable for carriage on our service, please call us to discuss your options.

Petrol and Diesel

Petrol and Diesel must be carried in an approved, labelled container (max 20 litres). Container must be able to withstand the rigours of transport by sea. Container must be within its expiry date if applicable. Container must be fuel tight.

Gas Bottles

Gas must be in an approved, currently certified and labelled container (max 9kg). Container must be able to withstand the rigours of transport by sea. Container must be gas/fuel tight with minimal rust.

SCUBA Dive Tanks

Dive tanks must have current certification (bi-annual hydrostatic check and annual visual check by a certified technician). Tank must be able to withstand the rigours of transport by sea.

Other Dangerous Goods

Items with a fuel tank must be declared and the tank should be empty. Other dangerous substances must be declared and stowed safely under the direction of the vessel crew. If in doubt declare the item to the Master of the vessel. Container must have no signs of rust, and be gas/fuel tight.


Help save our Treasure Islands
If you discover a pest on the island call the DOC 24 hour emergency hotline: 0800 362 468

Rakino Island is a Pest Free Island and is subject to strict biosecurity standards enforced by the Department of Conservation and Auckland Council’s Biosecurity team. Belaire Ferries is obliged to ensure that passenger’s luggage complies with the following requirements:


Footwear should be clean of mud before boarding the ferry. There is a permanent shoe brush available for use on Pier 3b. This is to prevent unwanted seeds reaching the island.

General Luggage

All luggage should be packed in sealed boxes or bags that can be zipped or tied closed. Luggage should be sealed up when you depart from home for the ferry, and should remain closed until you have reached the island to prevent unwanted pests hitching a ride.

Bags should be clean of mud to prevent unwanted seeds reaching the island.


Soak seedlings in water and observe for about 10 minutes. Larger plants should be soaked for up to an hour depending on their size. Any ants or plague skinks/eggs should evacuate or drown.

Check for Stowaways

Rats, mice, Argentine ants and rainbow skinks are all pests considered detrimental to our native fauna and flora. All gear should be checked before you leave home to ensure there are no stowaways. There should be no opportunity for unwanted pests to get inside luggage throughout its’ journey from home to the island.

Dogs and Cats

Unlike the other pest free islands in the Hauraki Gulf, Dogs and Cats are permitted on Rakino. Whilst on the ferry, dogs must be on a lead and under control at all times, and a muzzle should be carried if your dog has tendencies to nip or is known to be aggressive towards other dogs. The skipper may request that your dog be muzzled. Cats are permitted on board as long as they are in a travel carrier. All animals are carried at the discretion of the skipper.

If you have any questions or queries regarding biosecurity, please contact us or one of the biosecurity rangers/advisers listed here